OYP Life Categories
Our mission is to empower individuals on their unique life journeys. Through tailored packages and resources, we strive to be a beacon of inspiration and support in the realms of life, relationships, spirituality, health, sports, career, finances, advocacy, and even the paranormal. We also offer personalized packages as your life is uniquely yours. We believe in the transformative power of self-discovery and provide the tools and guidance needed for individuals to translate their experiences, into meaningful and positive life narratives. Our commitment is to foster personal growth, resilience, and fulfillment across all aspects of life.
OYP Life Translator
An in-depth look into your life path to help determine the connections and to navigate current and future steps.
OYP helps you to learn how to translate each step and also provides consultant services to help you.
Life Translator Packages, Life Mastery Blueprints: Discovering Your Core Moments Courses; Life Resume/CV creation; Life Video References guidance and Mini-Guides on Your Roadmap to Self-Discovery and much more.
OYP Relationships
Tips, strategies and pathways to gain, strengthen and learn about relationships that you have with others in every area of your life but also with yourself. Relationship health quizzes; date night ideas and relationship-building exercises; recommended reading lists and therapy information; keys to understanding patterns and how it may relate to other areas of your life spiritually, psychologically, astrologically and ways to enhance your relationship skills, including setting boundaries and knowing what you want.
OYP Spiritual
Methods to understanding your spirituality while embarking on a journey to explore ways to benefit from learning other practices and tools to make your inner-self and soul happy. Guided meditation scripts; journal prompts for self-reflection; recommended reading and songs and binaries to listen to for growth. Information and guidance on mediumship, spiritual healing and translating how your past and experiences play a part in your spiritual nature.
OYP Health
Work to maintain, understand and enhance your physical health in your well-being roadmap of life. Quick health and wellness self-assessments; daily wellness habits checklist; healthy recipe ideas; recommended fitness exercises and lifestyles alongside professional resources to help along the way. Learning how to listen to your body and that is uniquely yours without comparison. Information on tools and books recommendations unique to your situation.
OYP Advocacy
Education, guidance and support on ways to speak up and be heard for every area of your life and to know your worth. Introductions and information to effectively advocate; tips for impactful storytelling and how to handle situations; an advocacy planning worksheet for your situation and in general; and resources for staying informed and guidance. Packages available to advocate for you and help in any process in your life big or small. Having your back in every decision and situation when needed.
OYP Sports
Achieving your athletic goals through the help of goal-setting and performance tracking templates; mental preparation exercises; tips for injury prevention and recovery; along with recommending pertinent inspirational books and stories. A vast amount of resources available for in-person training to online; information on Athletic CVs, contacts along with recommendations from experts and pros that have made it and want to help others to do the same. Guidelines and strategies for athletes and for the families of athletes.
OYP Paranormal
Introduction to paranormal phenomena; DIY paranormal investigation guide; recommended books, movies, actual resources including in research on the paranormal. Quick digital lists for paranormal hotspots; conventions and tools to use. Help for those experiencing paranormal and connections. Stories from those in the field along with methods to use whether it's happening to you or want to begin to investigate. Tips, tricks and ways to debunc as well as protect and to be respectful.
OYP Designs
Multiple OYP items and designs available along with personalize requests. Knowledge and resources available to start off in doing designs of your own from digital designs, 3D, social media marketing advice and tips and guided templates in every step of the way. Portfolio guidance and help for your own sites or for your CV to present to others. Connections to get items created, purchased and recommended sites, books, and reference guides. Self-help guidance available as well to achieve your goals and to be seen.
OYP Personalized
Every individual is beautifully unique and may feel that their situation or help and guidance needed does not necessarily fit into one of the categories. This is where OYP Personalized comes in to help start with a consultation and then sessions to translate what may help. Whether it is in templates, sessions, courses or references to resources and tools needed to be able to help yourself. Also, specialized bundle-packages available if multiple areas of life categories are needed.
OYP Career
Your job does not define you but it is a major part of your life, so why not find what is right for you? OYP offers your path to success help with standard and personalized career goal-setting guides; networking and personal branding tips; interview and resume/cv checklists and help; career development resources and contacts. Life translation helps to find what might be right for you if unsure as well as ways to navigate to something more fulfilling. Career goal-setting guides; interview preparation; how to search for a job and information needed regarding working with managers, HR, coworkers and much more. Help in seeing your potential for success rather than focusing on where the career feels lacking personally, financially and professionally.
OYP Finances
Ways to live life on your terms and to master your money no matter what your current situation may be in life. Budgeting and savings plan templates; tips for debt management; investment basics and resources along with recommended books, courses and webinars. Education on ways to utilize programs, applications and other methods to create your future path. Practical advice for financial fitness from trusted advisors and personalized help and guidance available as well. Advocacy and personalized guidance also available. Ways that may be available for different areas of life from school, natural disasters, marriage, children, and any area that guidance and support is needed in maintaining budget, creating one or finding methods to be comfortable and grateful financially.
Massage; Remote Healing;
Young Living Essential Oils
Psychic Medium; Paranormal Television
Producer/Investigator; Writer and Director
Paranormal Investigators and Consultants in USA
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30 min
50 US dollars1 hr
120 US dollars1 hr
150 US dollarsEnded
300 US dollars5 hr
500 US dollars15 min
25 US dollars